Tag Archives: Weather

Bummer weekend..

I was all set to go out for a fun day hike on Saturday and Sunday of this weekend, only to wake up to a stomach bug… BUMMER!!!! And what makes it even sadder is the fact that it was a BEAUTIFUL Fall weekend here in OK. Not feeling great on Saturday I spent most of the day inside. When I finally got up to go outside, I was SHOCKED because it was warm. It was about 70 degrees outside and a tad muggy. Sunday morning, I woke up to my family cooking breakfast with all the windows and doors open, and the sun was shining! It would have been the perfect day to go on a hike, but I was still feeling under the weather and I had 2 papers to work on. I worked on my short paper and finished it, and I still have to work on my 2nd (10 page) paper. This weekend it is supposed to SNOW!!! SNOW!!! WTF! This is not okay with me. I feel I may have missed my perfect chance to hike this Fall. Hopefully it won’t snow and I can still get a hike in this weekend, if I feel better.


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